2025 Team Rosters:
There are four teams.
If you are having trouble viewing all four teams on your mobile device:
Click and hold on the roster, then select "open image"
*Registration is now full*
To be added to the waitlist please e-mail: pastorjoshbcc@gmail.com
Boys and girls between the ages of *7-12.
*6 year olds with some experience are welcome to play.
A great opportunity to get some excersise, learn new skills, and make new friends. Teams play 3 on 3. Shift roations occur every three minutes so playing time is evenly distributed among all the players. Volunteer referees officiate games for standard hockey infractions, and to ensure a flow to the games. We anticipate having two to four teams this season.
Games: are played outdoors in the church parking lot (336 Glenrose Drive), rain or shine, on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. March 20th to May 8th.
Practises: Drop-in practises are available on three Saturday's throughout the season: March 29th, April 12th, and April 26th from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Practises will include a time of skills & drills, and scrimmage time. Each practise will also include a brief time of sharing a scripture reference and Biblical theme such as: Encouragement, Teamwork, and Integrity,
What equipment do I need?
Players need running shoes, a stick, and a helmet with a full cage (we will have some sticks and helmets available but encourage you to get your own). Gloves and shin-pads are reccomended but are entirely optional.
How Much?
Registration includes a team t-shirt and end of season award.
$35 per-player if you register before January 31st.
$45 per-player after January 31st.